En mi tribuna
Los vemos y no los vemos (¿o decidimos no verlos?), creemos y no creemos en lo que nos recomiendan para que su vida cambie. Sobre la visera de la tribuna de la Avenida de los Shyris, en Quito, justo en la mitad del parque más visitado de Quito, la Carolina, duermen niños que viven en la calle. Sin hogar, huyen y hasta se hacen invisibles. Este es un retrato directo y juguetón, sin cuestionamientos ni falsas simpatías, acerca de unos niños que viven junto a nosotros.
Tags: derechos_humanos, direitos_humanos, ecuador, equador, especial_inclusao, infancia_ruas, niñez_calle, política, quito, ruas
Programa Relacionado: En la calle
País: Equador
Duração: 12'
Diretor: Victor Carrera
Produtor: Victor Carrera
Ano: 2009
Formato: HD
Montagem: Victor Carrera
Som Direto: Diego Albuja
Fotografia: Victor Carrera
Trilha: Fausto Muñoz
Mejor cortometraje Ecuatoriano, voto del público. EDOC 9. Quito, Ecuador.
Premier Internacional IDFA 2010 y distribuido en IDFA TV, Ámsterdam.
Distribuido en “FREE ZONE JUNIOR” Project, Belgrado, Serbia.
Selección Oficial. MAKEDOX, Macedonia.
Comentário do Diretor: Un día conocí a los niños al compartir un helado junto a ellos. El escuchar a Marcelo y Elvis interactuar, me llamó la atención su inocente-crudeza, reconocí en ellos rasgos de los personajes de una de mis películas favoritas, “Ciudad de Dios” y así empezó una aventura que tomó más de un año y medio en ser producida, experiencia que hasta hoy sigue influenciado mi vida. En Mi Tribuna tuvo su premiere internacional en IDFA. - Victor Carrera
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Dear Victor, I have just seen your documentary, and I have found it really sensitive, moving and heart-breaking. It is really intereseting to see what your children have left which is still from childhood, and what is already in the violent adult world. Congratulation for this precisou and sensitive outlook on our wolrd. Happens in Quito, but in Paris, where I come from, I guess the stories are alike, and in Brazil where I live, even worse.
I have just edited my first documentary, with French cameraman Patrick Vanier, about the children from favela da Maré, in rio de Janeiro, and how they see the urban, domestic and social violence.
Here is the English version: https://vimeo.com/89077880
Dear Marie,
Obrigado pelos comentários.
Te cumprimento e felicito pela coragem de fazer teu documentário. Força.
I am currently in Sao Paulo with some projects in development.
Is great to be in touch.
Dear Victor, I have just seen your documentary, and I have found it really sensitive, moving and heart-breaking. It is really intereseting to see what your children have left which is still from childhood, and what is already in the violent adult world. Congratulation for this precisou and sensitive outlook on our wolrd. Happens in Quito, but in Paris, where I come from, I guess the stories are alike, and in Brazil where I live, even worse.
I have just edited my first documentary, with French cameraman Patrick Vanier, about the children from favela da Maré, in rio de Janeiro, and how they see the urban, domestic and social violence.
Here is the English version: https://vimeo.com/89077880